Monday, May 5, 2008

Local Food: Pop's Garden & Montye's Farm

I went home this weekend for my cousin Shelby's birthday party. My family went to my lakehouse on Saturday and we had a home-cooked meal for lunch. The meal consisted of steaks, which came from my cousin's farm, corn, which also came from her farm, salad with tomatoes from my grandfather's garden, green beans from my grandfather's garden, and squash caserole, which was made with squash from my grandfather's garden.

Canned green beans are nothing compared to my grandfather's green beans. Fresh green beans from my grandfather's garden have so much more flavor than any other green beans I've ever tasted.

Although I'm not a tomato fan, I actually liked the tomatoes from my grandfather's garden.

The steaks had so much more flavor and were so much more tender than steaks from grocery stores.

It's amazing how much better local food tastes than food from a grocery store.

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