Monday, May 5, 2008

Too Far Away.

I wish all of the important places on campus weren't so far away from Ridgecrest (where I live).

Getting to the Rec Center is such a hassle. I got to the point where I was going like almost every day, but then I got really lazy and I hate driving all the way over there. Also, it sucks that you can't park there until after like 5 or 6. It's way too crowded from like 6 to 9 so I always end up going at like 10:30, which is entirely too late. I feel so unsafe walking back to my dorm at like midnight by myself.

Also, getting to the student health center is a hassle. I've only been there once because I hated driving all the way over there, just to have to wait for like 2 hours.

A HUGE problem of mine is making it over to the Alpha Gam house. I usually just go when it's required. I'm SO lazy and I hate having to walk all the way over there because there is nowhere to park during the day. My parents are constantly getting on to me for spending money on food when I can just eat at the house for free.

1 comment:

Emi's Blog said...

I am the same way! I live in Lakeside and had to bring my bike here after getting two parking tickets at the rec. Walking or running is ok...if you have the time. It is a hassle trying to get everywhere, but at least the walking is good exercise I guess.