Thursday, April 10, 2008

Relay for Life

I raised money for Relay for Life last Friday. Relay for Life is a fund raiser for cancer research. I was surprised at how many people went to the actual relay. All races and ages of people were at the event. The relay took place at a local high school (I can't remember which one now).

I really enjoyed being there. I went with my sorority, Alpha Gam, and we had a beach-themed tent. All of the children gravitated toward our tent because of the gigantic beach ball and blow-up fish. I really enjoyed playing with all of the children.

This event was especially important to me because of my grandfather who died suddenly, less than a year ago from cancer. The march of the survivors around the track was very moving, as were the laps made by loved ones of those who have died from cancer.

1 comment:

Chelsea's blog said...

I've been to a couple of those and they are really moving. I haven't been to the cancer relays though, I did a walk for diabetes and leukemia once.