Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I'm so tired of being sick!! I was sick twice last semester and I've been sick pretty much all of this semester, too. I've always heard that freshmen usually get sick a lot because they're being exposed--for the first time--to SO MANY sick people, but I figured that wouldn't really apply to me because I rarely get sick.

Well, apparently I was wrong, and it sucks. It really freaks me out when people sitting behind me in class cough ALL OVER me! Ew. I understand that they're bing responsible and going to class, despite their sicknesses, but it's totally not necessary to cough all over everyone. Cover your mouth! And I'm tired of having to give people cough drops during class. Apparently no one--except me--is capable of buying their own cough drops. I don't mind giving them out, but it's pretty ridiculous having to give them to the same people day-after-day. I mean, if you're going to be coughing uncontrolably during class, but cough drops or something.

And I can't find ANY medicine that works. I even took a prescription for my bronchitis a couple of weeks ago and I have bronchitis again, less than two weeks later. This is getting pretty exhausting and ridiculous, especially since it's totally messing up my work-out routine to get ready for summer.

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