Thursday, February 28, 2008

So I went to Dreamland tonight and I was totally unimpressed. I had heard so may good things about it and I just did not find it to be that great at all. I usually love BBQ, but i barely ate any of it. I just thought that, after everything I've heard about how great it is, I just didn't find it all that appealing. So my favorite place to eat around here is still definately Newk's.

Also, I've been going to the Rec. every night lately and tonight, while running around the track, I noticed that the people playing bball, soccer, and volley ball in the gym bellow the track are really segregated. All the black people play bball on one side and all the white people play either bball or volley ball on the other side. I dunno, I guess people usually have more friends that are the same race, but I think it's stupid.

I am totally obsessed with dogs and would do ANYTHING to be able to have a big dog down here. Unfortunately, I cannot find an apartment close enough to campus that will let me have a dog (or one big enough to even be considered a dog). Today while I was walking around on the quad I saw 6 labs and a weimeraner. It was awesome. I totally want a yellow lab, but I guess I'll have to wait another year.

1 comment:

Evan said...

I'm with you on the dog thing! I really miss my dog and would like to get one up here, but even if I had an apartment I don't think I'd be able to spend enough time exercising/training I guess I have to wait.